January 24, 2025

Ayesa is set to implement Séneca in the Balearic Islands

The educational management platform will be used by 849 public, private and state-subsidised schools.

The main advantage offered by the solution is the integration of academic, financial and administrative processes on one system.

Ayesa, a global provider of technology and engineering services, will implement Séneca in the Balearic Islands. The educational management platform, which is successfully used in regions across Spain, allows schools and educational support services to simplify and automate management and monitoring processes.

Séneca was developed two decades ago by Ayesa and the Regional Government of Andalusia, and has since become a leading solution in educational management. A number of platforms have been created based on Séneca, including Rayuela in Extremadura, Yedra in Cantabria, Racima in La Rioja, Sauce in Asturias, Delphos in Castilla-La Mancha, Raíces in Madrid, and Fenicia in Ceuta and Melilla.

The implementation contract has been awarded to Ayesa by the Department for Education and Universities in the Balearic Islands following a source code transfer agreement having been reached with the Regional Government of Andalusia. The name it will adopt has not yet been decided.

The project, which will also involve two other regional departments, will see the solution implemented in 849 schools in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. These include public, private and state-subsidised primary and secondary schools as well as sixth forms, professional music and dance schools, official language schools, special schools and vocational training centres, among others.

The main advantage offered by the solution is that it allows the financial, academic and administrative processes managed by schools to be brought together in one place, thereby reducing their workload. It also provides access to up-to-date data in real time, based on a single transactional database offering high levels of availability.



One of the main benefits offered by the solution is the automation of tasks such as registering students, updating data and generating reports. This will make processes more agile and reduce the workload of those involved, as well as allowing members of the public to complete a number of tasks online.

Furthermore, staff will be able to access information online as well as interact more efficiently with the Regional Department for Education and Universities. Families and students will also have access to grades, timetables and information on academic progress.

Another benefit of Séneca is that it will allow teaching strategies to be tailored to the needs of each student. To do this, it will centralise information on students in order to offer teaching staff insights into individual requirements.

It will also be used to manage the finances and administration of schools, allowing resources to be allocated and budgets tracked in an efficient manner.

In terms of the user experience, ‘the platform is robust, flexible, functional and user-friendly’, explains Juan Pavón, Director of the Education Division at Ayesa. The solution is based on J2EE and Oracle technology, and has an intuitive design made up of modular components.

Juan Pavón adds: ‘The platform excels when it comes to functionality and has been optimised for use on various devices, including apps for families and teachers. In terms of user-friendliness and browsing, it places particular emphasis on direct browsing as well as speed and efficiency to allow users to easily complete tasks’.

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