The TER plant upgrade brought several benefits for both the community and the local authorities, including:
1. Benefits for the community:
Improved quality of domestic water: The upgrade improved the plant’s treatment capacity, which led to better quality water with improved organoleptic properties (taste, odour, and colour).
Increased water supply: The TER plant can meet approximately 50% of the demand in the metropolitan area, so the upgrade increased the availability of drinking water for the community.
Reduced need for alternative systems: The improvements reduced the need for domestic water treatment or bottled water, reducing the consumption of non-reusable plastics.
Environmental benefits: By reducing the need for alternative systems and improving water quality, the TER plant upgrade positively impacts the local ecosystem.
2. Benefits for local authorities:
Improved infrastructure: The TER plant upgrade involved the upgrading of several vital components, including sand filters, a water pumping station, ozone contact equipment, granular activated carbon filters, and a new disinfection system. This improved infrastructure increased the plant’s efficiency and reliability.
Cost savings: By using BIM technology for project management, Ayesa helped to reduced costs by collaborated more effectively with the Project team and ensuring the existing plant was kept operational during the upgrade process.
Enhanced reputation: By investing in upgrading critical infrastructure, local authorities can strengthen their reputation as responsible and proactive stewards of public resources.