Q4Real, Quantum Computing for real industries
- Driving force: Project funded by the Basque Government, Hazitek Estratégico 2022 program.
- Consortium: Developed in a consortium led by Ibermatica, an Ayesa Company, and formed by the companies Serikat, Eurohelp, Quanvia, Multiverse, Mercedes-Benz España, ITS, an Ayesa Company, and the RVCTI members Tecnalia; i3B, an Ayesa Company, the UPV / EHU, and the DIPC (Donostia International Physics Center)
- Country: Spain
- Year: 2022
- Applied technologies: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data | Data Science | Quantum and Neutronic Technologies.
The Basque Government, through the HAZITEK program, is actively seeking ways to enable companies in the Basque industrial sector to accelerate the adoption of sustainable impact-driven applications, thereby ensuring their leadership in the realm of digitalization.
Q4Real was established with the goal of expediting the development of industry-transforming applications that have a sustainable impact by addressing common challenges in the industrial sector.
The consortium aims to standardize quantum programming to tackle prevalent issues within the sector. Additionally, the project will create a knowledge base and components for various types of quantum computational problems, while also establishing quantum software engineering practices, all with the ultimate objective of bridging the gap with the market for commercial solutions.
The project has identified industrial challenges that can be scaled in complexity. As quantum hardware continues to advance, native algorithmic solutions in quantum technologies will seamlessly adapt to the increasing complexity of the addressed problems.
Within the industrial scope of the project, the selected challenges include routing, packaging optimization, real-time asset optimization, network or graph matching, task scheduling, and anomaly detection.